Wednesday 21 October 2009

Tuesday 20 October 2009

This is my 8 shot-journey.
Our task was to show a travel from sitting down and arriving to a destination in 8 shots showing there travel.
For the 8 shot journey we first had to decide where we would be filming for the 8 shot journey. So I walked around the college and I looked for suitable locations and took pictures on my phone camera of the locations. I did this so when i did the storyboard for the 8 shot journey i would have a clear image of what i was going to draw for it. On the storyboard i drew the locations then i did where the person i was filming was going to be and moving to. I showed movement by drawing arrows of which way they would be walking or running, underneath i wrote what camera shot it was i used mostly long shots and i had a few mid shots and close-ups. After we done storyboards we got out video cameras, but first we had to put in the tape and film nothing. This is called blanking. we did this to sort out the time code. Then after we blanked the tapes we went out to our locations and filmed the scenes from the storyboard I did several takes of each one incase it did not work. After I filmed the scenes i had to go back on the footage of the scenes and do a log sheet. This is where i have to look at the time code and write it down. So i did it for a start of a scene and the end. So scene 1 take 1 i wrote down the time code on the camera. I did this on every take i did and i did a lot of takes. After i wrote all the time codes i marked the takes i wanted to use for my final production. I uploaded the takes i wanted to use onto the mac and opened up final cut pro. On here i put the videos together in sequence so they all ran fluently. I had to cut of some of the beginnings and endings of some of the takes to make it better so it all made sense. So the person isn't shown walking out a door twice. Then after all of this i had my finished product. I liked the way my 8 shot journey worked out and enjoyed doing it.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Evaluation Of Radio Project.

We got a task to produce our own radio jingle show promo and Ident for SNC LIVE. First we had to produce a radio promo involving some of the basics - time and day its on, what we would expect from the show, the name of the show and radio station, information and facts, whose the presenter, what type of radio show it is and music that is appropriate to the style. We had to fit all that into a 30 second to a minute promo.

When I did my promo it was a lot harder than I thought it might of been. I struggled to get 30 seconds let alone a minute. I wrote a script so I knew what I was going to say, after I changed it made it better I recorded it onto the computer on sound-booth. Then i added music to it that I downloaded. The song I used was Ida Maria - I Like You So Much Better When Your Naked its a song I like and it fits well within the promo as its appropriate for the show as its a pretty modern popular song. Afterwards I played around with the effects with my dialog to make it sound more interesting by putting on echoes to some of my dialog to make it sound exciting and less just plain and changing the sound of my voice so it sounds distorted robotic like. Then I changed the volumes around so you could hear me over the music in the background because the music was to loud and blocking out what I was saying . The script I said was 'tune into SNC LIVE every monday from 4 right till 5 in the afternoon with matt. Expect all the latest music, interviews and latest stories. This week we got special surprise guests. So don't miss out and tune into SNC LIVE mondays 4 till 5' . As you can see I have all the information I needed to say, about the day,time,presenter,what to expect,music and the name of the station I managed to fit sll this information into my promo. In the end I think I did quite well with my first radio show promo and it worked out very well.

We also had to do a SNC LIVE news and identity which were both easy as there only 15 seconds each. Where we had to make an identity for SNC LIVE and then a news jingle. For Ident I had my dialog repeat 'this is SNC LIVE' over a guitar track I downloaded then a faded out distort guitar at the end. For the news I did basically the same as for the identity. But I used some different music sounds I downloaded changed around the order of the tracks duplicating some of the dialog so it repeats and I changed the effects of my voice to make it sound more interesting. For both of them I was pretty successful with both the news and Ident.

Show Promo


Show Ident

Thursday 8 October 2009

Pinhole Portrait

Before Photoshop.
After Photoshop.

After photoshopping it there is a clear image of me, but on the negative photo you cant tell its me. You can see a ghostly skeleton looking image which looks great as it seems transparent. This is one of my portraits Ive only put the best out if the two on. On the photoshopped image you can see outlines of me and facial features my arms and the patterns on my top. This is interesting to see. Though doing this involved sitting down for 6 minutes still.

This is my best indoor photograph i took with the pinhole camera. Its not to clear what it exactly is though. But it has interesting shapes and lines. Your eyes follow down the big black line down the middle.

Pinhole Camera Pictures

This image is the un-photoshoped version on the photo my pinhole camera took. this was the first photograph. i took using the pinhole camera. For a first try it wasnt a complete disaster. and it looks pretty good and mysterious.This is the photoshoped version. I inverted it so i looks like a normal photograph. increased brightness and changed the shadows around. Its made it look spooky and its very effective as you can see the light shining from the door. And a few of the lights on the ceiling are in the dark.

Pinhole Camera Project.

For the pinhole camera project we had to bring in carboard boxes or tins. Which could be made light tight tins would work better than boxes for being light tight. So when we brought them in we had to paint the entire inside with black paint. This was so that no reflective surfaces were on the them so it wouldn't effect the photographic paper. Then we made a hole and and stuck a piece of foil over it and made a hole with a pin which would be our aperture. We also made a shutter for the aperture so we could open and close where the pin hole is so no light can get through into it and ruin our photographic paper.
Once we made sure it was light tight and suitable for taking photographs we had to measure the depth of the box so we could work out exposure time. The depth of my box was 46mm. Then we did some calculations which were. 46mm /0.8 = f 57.5 . F stands for focal point. Then we guessed the exsposure time needed to take a photo.mine was 20 seconds outside and 3 minutes inside. But before you go out and photograph somthing you have to cellotape down a piece of photographic paper for the image to appear on.
I tired the guessed times first time because i left the inside for to short and outside for to long. They didn't work well. So I played around doing different exposure times for inside and outside. I got different varied results from them both some of them didn't work well and others didn't so i went in between so the middle time between longest i left it and shortest and it worked well and i got good results. i also tried some portrait photo's using the pinhole camera. The portraits work rather good as you can see your outline and a clearly a figure but it all depends how long you leave it. after you have exposed the photographic paper you close the shutter then take it to the dark room while keeping it unexposed from light. In the dark room they have safe lights so its fine to open the box and take out your photographic paper. There was two solutions in the dark room developer and fixer you first had to put it in the developer and then in the fixer both for about 30 seconds to a minute. The paper would go black and dark if you have over exposed it to light but if you under exposed it the paper would come up foggy and white. I enjoyed doing the pinhole camera project and i think my photographs came out pretty well as it was my first try.


Welcome! This is Matthew Bulkeley's MEDIA! BLOG! I Will be posting all my media work i will be doing onto this BloG.